The Story

The journey of the jellyfish began in 2014, during the  “peak”of the EDM renaissance in the U.S. At this time, a group of my friends and I created this brand/social network/rave family  in order to maintain our friendships with all the people we met at raves, music festivals, and our nights out. This group became known as BRBRAVING, with the premise being to forget about the stresses of the world, right now you are raving and you will BRB.


After a few months of events, we accumulated a tremendous following. At around 6000 followers on instagram we started to get some people that did not like us. We received comments that we were fake, annoying, all about the money and face ETC. Yet in reality, we loved everyone we met, made an effort to meet, comment and hang out with everyone that was willing to contact us.

We didn’t make ANY money, in fact our group lost a ton of money despite the investment each of us put into it.  With all the animosity that we gained, we eventually started to say the following responses amongst ourselves.

 “They are just jelly”

And eventually it evolved into…

 “They aren’t ready for this Jelly”

These words became a hallmark for our family and to this day we still used it as an inside joke whenever we come together.



Where did the Jellyfish come from?

A majority of our fame came from our ability to produce after movies from all the events that we attend. We eventually got so much recognition, that we started working with local events, nightclubs, promoters, and even big name artists to produce videos for them. We wanted to separate our brand/family from the video making process in order to preserve the integrity of our family. That way BRBRAVING wouldn’t become about business; it would maintain its purity as a social network of friends. Soon the entity, Jelly Visuals came to be.


This became a short lived project that eventually faltered as us as a media group decided to invest our time in other projects. It became difficult for us to balance our social lives, personal lives, and our professional lives. In the end, for some of us this wasn’t our job… it was our hobby and our fun. Which to some of us, it was part of their livelihood. And to that end, we laid Jelly Visuals to end.

We separated ourselves and rebranded our work into: RAN and NZOSTELLA. To this day we are still close friends and may possibly work again in the future, given the right circumstances. But once that moment happens…

The world wont be ready for the jelly


Theme — Timber
Appreciate the Darkness that Resides Between the Stars
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